#DailyWritingPrompt #40 She only smoked the crack cocaine to see if, as Nancy Reagan claimed, one time was enough to make her addicted. #amwriting #1000wordsofwinter #WriteWriteWriteWriteWrite like #WorkWorkWorkWorkWork
#DailyWritingPrompt #39 We gathered at the river’s edge, our shoes wet, the morning dew on the grass. (Write for 10-15 minutes or as long as you’d like, and please change it up. This world is yours for the making.) Did she take her shoes off and dip a foot into the water lapping the mud?
#DailyWritingPrompt #38 She swallowed the elixir, and her face contorted. Ooh la la. An elixir. Perhaps a little magic in the pot. Write for 10-15 minutes or as long as your heart desires.) Be brave. Put the words on the page. #amwriting #thiswriterslife #1000wordsofwinter
#DailyWritingPrompt #37 When I dance, the rest of the world falls away. I feel … (Keep going. This can be about anything: writing, running, taking photographs, playing an instrument or sport. It could be about drug use.) Write for 10-15 or all afternoon. Throw inhibition out into the cold. “Be gone!”
#DailyWritingPrompt #36 It was only after I gave him up that I realized he’d never been mine to give.
#DailyWritingPrompt #35 On Monday, she pulled her books from the dusty shelves. On Tuesday… (#Write 10-15 minutes or until spring greets us. Have a good time. You’re not being graded.) #1000wordsofwinter #amwriting
#DailyWritingPrompt #34 She marked the nights she hadn’t slept in a notebook purchased at the dollar store. (Write for 10-15 minutes or as long as you’d like.) Feel free to change anything. This belongs to you! #VABook2019 #amwriting #thiswriterslife
#DailyWritingPrompt #33 After he fell asleep, she crept downstairs. (Write for 10-15 minutes.) Have fun with this. Make it dark or light. The world is yours to invent. There’s a great resource where you can submit 10-minute writing pieces for publication. It’s wonderful. Check out www.lifein10minutes.com #amwriting #thiswriterslife
#DailyWritingPrompt #32 She chopped the onion first, using the knife to slide the luminescent bits into the pot. (Write for 10-15 minutes or for as long as you’d like.) Make this your own. As always, feel free to change the POV or tense, etc. #amwriting #chefdontjudge #bookstagram#findyourmuse #nowastedwords
#DailyWritingPrompt #31 She felt freer than she had in ten years. (Write for 10-15 minutes or for as long as you’d like.) As always, feel free to change the POV or tense, etc. Dust off the muse. Put the words on the page. You got this.
#DailyWritingPrompt #30 He never wanted it to end. (Write for 10-15 minutes or for as long as you’d like.) As always, feel free to change the POV or tense, etc.

#DailyWritingPrompt #28 If you really love me, (Write for 10-15 minutes or for as long as you’d like.) As always, feel free to change the POV or tense, etc.
#DailyWritingPrompt #27 She said, “I made a wish.” He said, “Wishes don’t come true.” (Write for 10-15 minutes or for as long as you’d like.) As always, feel free to change the POV or tense, etc.
#DailyWritingPrompt #26 She was fractured, a part of the kaleidoscope dream now. (Write for 10-15 minutes or for as long as you’d like.) As always, feel free to change the POV or tense, etc.
#DailyWritingPrompt #25 The fighter jet split the sky in two. (Write for 10-15 minutes or for as long as you’d like.) As always, feel free to change the POV or tense, etc.
#DailyWritingPrompt #24 She pointed a finger and said, “Don’t you fucking look at me.” (Where to go from here? Write 10-15 minutes. Get dark or take it toward the light. It’s up to you to make the world.) As always, change up the tense and POV and anything else you’d like.
#DailyWritingPrompt #23 She felt like she was melting, a puddle on the floor, like some fairytale witch. (Write for 10-15 minutes. Change it up. Have fun with it.) I think I’m feeling like a fairytale witch of late.
#DailyWritingPrompt #22 He wasn’t bad how they said he was. (Write for 10-15 minutes or all afternoon.) Tell the truth. Tell a fiction. Write a poem. Have fun with it.
#DailyWritingPrompt #21 He lit a match. She liked the smell of sulfur. (Write for 10-15 minutes or for as long as you’d like.) Also, as always, feel free to change the POV and tense. Basically, you can scrap the above and write whatever you want. I hope the muse is with you today. Much love! #amwriting
#DailyWritingPrompt #20 He fell into her pool-blue eyes. There was no escape. (Write for 10-15 minutes. Feel free to change things up.) #SundayFunDay
#DailyWritingPrompt #19 He spoke, and she nodded, having no idea what he was saying. (Write for 10-15 minutes.) You can expel demons with words or you can bring them to life. Have fun. #amwriting
#DailyWritingPrompt #18 I reached up, wrapping my arms around my mother’s neck. (Maybe this is your mother remembering her mother or someone else’s mother.) As always, have fun, mix it up and make it your own.
#DailyWritingPrompt #17 One hour and twenty-three minutes after the funeral director wheeled her body out of the house and into the hearse, John pulled every photograph of her off the walls and from the shelves. (Write for 10-15 minutes. See where you go. Maybe find out where you’ve been.) As always, feel free to change POV, tense, gender, etc.
#DailyWritingPrompt #16 The walls inhaled, and the room expanded. (Write for 10-15 minutes or allnight. Have fun. Let your mind romp and roll.)
#DailyWritingPrompt #15 She didn’t eat sandwiches. She picked at the crust with her fingernail, pulling it loose like a piece of tape. (Write for 10-15 minutes or for as long as you can.) As always, feel free to change it up however you like. #amwriting
#DailyWritingPrompt #14 The empty vodka bottles were stashed towards the back of the closet. (Write for 10-15 minutes, or all day.) Have fun! #1000wordsofwinter #Writing is about the act. If you don’t love the act, you might want to make something else. Play the guitar. Paint something. #amwriting
#DailyWritingPrompt #13 The first thing you should know is… (write for 10-15 minutes or for as long as you have something to share. If the voice stops coming, close your eyes and see if it comes back. #Neversaydie) Persevere. Breathe deep. You got this! #amwriting
#Dailywritingprompt #12 Good girls don’t pray for such things. (Write for 10-15 minutes or until your butt is sore from sitting in the chair. Have fun! Be free. Let your muse shine.) #amwriting #1000wordsofwinter
#DailyWritingPrompt #11 She said, “Everybody’s doing it.” (Write for 10-15 min. Feel free to change POV, tense, or anything else. Hopefully, this will get some creative juices flowing.) #1000wordsofsummer #1000wordsofwinter#amwriting
#DailyWritingPrompt #10 This year would be different. (Write for 10-15 minutes or all day. How will this year be different?) #NewYearsDay2019#HappyNewYear #tellyourstory #paperendures
#Dailywritingprompt #9 It wasn’t like he was going to die tomorrow. (As always, feel free to change the POV, pronouns, etc.) #playgod
#Dailywritingprompt #8 He stirred the sauce and opened a third bottle, topping off their glasses. (Feel free to change pronouns, POV, etc. Whatever you need to bring the world to life. Write for 10-15 min. or keep going.) #amwriting #thiswriterslife
#Dailywritingprompt #7 When she heard his breathing deepen, she crawled out of the sleeping bag and tiptoed to the spare bedroom. (Feel free to change pronouns, POV, etc. Whatever you desire. Write for 10-15 min. Set your mind free.) #amwriting #thiswriterslife
#DailyWritingPrompt #6 She licked the ice from her mittens, a few crystals shining on her lashes. (Get your #write on, pen to paper, peeps.) 10-15 minutes or run w it! #amwriting
#DailyWritingPrompt #5 She quit her day job to write a New York Times bestseller. Write for 10-15 minutes. Write with your eyes closed. (Or not.) Have some fun. Make something that hasn’t existed. Put pen to paper. Play god. This is good for you. Trust me. What have you got to lose?
#DailyWritingPrompt #4 He drank instant coffee black and smoked Marlboro Lights. Write for 10-15 minutes. Make some magic! #amwriting
#DailyWritingPrompt #3 She was a star on a board. (Write for 10-15 minutes and see what magic happens!)
#DailyWritingPrompt #2 The year I turned seven, … (Set a timer for 10-15 minutes.) You’ll be amazed at what you discover. #amwriting
#DailyWritingPrompt #1 When I was born… (Set a timer for 10-15 minutes.)